Recent News

Join Our Building Campaign

Join Our Building Campaign

If you subscribe to our newsletter, you probably know that in March we embarked on a building campaign and have made significant fundraising progress. If not, let’s catch you up on the project that includes one...

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Scott’s Update on Our Ever-Growing Family

Scott’s Update on Our Ever-Growing Family

Hello Friends of Elephant Havens! I am writing this update from the plane as we return from Botswana because we simply can’t wait to share so much news—just from September happenings. We have news of elephants, team...

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Educating the Next Generation of Conservationists

Educating the Next Generation of Conservationists

Since educating our community is at the core of our mission, we couldn’t be more delighted to tell you more about how your support helps us achieve this goal with the local students.

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December 2022 Update

December 2022 Update

Dear Friends of Elephant Havens, We have such good news to share! The month of Thanksgiving brought many blessings to all those (2-legged and 4-legged) at Elephant Havens. First, the somewhat harrowing rescue of 2...

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Scott gives you a peek into daily life at EH

Scott gives you a peek into daily life at EH

Dear Friends of Elephant Havens, Good day to all of our friends and supporters of Elephant Havens. It is always a pleasure and honor to be able to visit Botswana and report back on the progress and the rhythm at...

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June Update—Challenge Met & Project Report

June Update—Challenge Met & Project Report

Dear Friends of Elephant Havens, Thank you, our kind and generous friends. We made the May 30th deadline to reach the matching goal of $50,000! It is just a delight to be a part of this Elephant Havens...

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Fall 2021 Update

Fall 2021 Update

There are so many wonderful happenings at Elephant Havens that I’m not sure where to begin. Well, first let me introduce you to our new little girl Lerumo, which in Tswana language means “bullet.” Lerumo has...

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Summer 2021 Update

Summer 2021 Update

It is hard to believe that Labor Day has come and gone! Scott and I have spent much time this summer at Elephant Havens in the happy company of the Botswana team and a very rambunctious herd of young elephants. Many...

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April, 2021 Update

April, 2021 Update

What a trip we had to Elephant Havens last month! I would love to tell you how hard Scott and I worked, but that just wouldn’t be true. I can honestly say I had the most relaxing trip and just enjoyed our team and...

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You did it! Here’s what we can do thanks to you.

You did it! Here’s what we can do thanks to you.

Dear Friends of Elephant Havens, First, I’d like to thank you all for helping us reach our fundraising goal. Between the money donated and the matching grant, we can complete some big projects that have been on our...

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Leadership NH Fundraiser for Elephant Havens in Botswana – Live Tour & Visit w/the Baby African Elephants

Leadership NH Fundraiser for Elephant Havens in Botswana – Live Tour & Visit w/the Baby African Elephants

Itinerary 11am to 12pm: Visit with the Baby Elephants 12pm to 1pm: LNH Alumni large and small group chat Note this event starts at 11:00am Eastern Standard Time. Please join no later than 10:55am EST. You will...

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LIVE Visit with the Baby Elephants

LIVE Visit with the Baby Elephants

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