Our mission to protect and preserve the African elephant involves multiple strategies

Our Work

We’ve been positively impacting conservation efforts and building healthy communities in Botswana since 2018.

At the country’s only elephant orphanage, we are making strides toward the preservation of the African elephant by rescuing orphaned and abandoned elephants, reducing human-elephant conflict, and protecting wild habitats from human encroachment.

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Elephant Havens handler and baby

Foster an Elephant

Young elephants are remarkably fragile both physically and emotionally. They must be bottle-fed a special formula every three hours to survive. Emotional support is just as important, so human handlers live alongside the orphans, never leaving them alone. Eventually the orphans can be weaned and reintroduced to the wild. By following the lead of others who have successfully raised many healthy orphans, we know we can save these remarkable animals. But we can’t do it alone.

When you symbolically foster any of our orphans you are directly contributing to the round-the-clock care and companionship these vulnerable babies require. Your gift goes toward expert health care, special lactose-free formula, and 24-hour care by devoted handlers.

How to Foster

Where is Elephant Havens?

We chose Botswana as the home for Elephant Havens. The government of this southern African country is committed to the well-being of its people, its wildlife, and its wildlands, and strictly enforces anti-poaching laws. Home to more elephants than any other African nation, we knew Botswana’s Okavango Delta was the ideal place to build the only orphanage in the country and carry out our mission.
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Join Our Building Campaign
Join Our Building Campaign

If you subscribe to our newsletter, you probably know that in March we embarked on a building campaign and have made significant fundraising progress. If not, let’s catch you up on the project that includes one...

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Scott’s Update on Our Ever-Growing Family
Scott’s Update on Our Ever-Growing Family

Hello Friends of Elephant Havens! I am writing this update from the plane as we return from Botswana because we simply can’t wait to share so much news—just from September happenings. We have news of elephants, team...

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