Blog Posts

Dallas Zoo Interns Just Made Our Day!

Dallas Zoo Interns Just Made Our Day!

I’m so excited to let you know Elephant Havens was just presented with a donation of $20,000 from the Spring 2019 interns at the Dallas Zoo! With this incredibly generous donation we will meet our matching fund goal and receive another $50,000!...

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April Update – So much to share!

April Update – So much to share!

I have so many exciting things to share with you, but first I must ask for your help. Our bank account is getting low. We have had many unexpected veterinary bills recently in addition to our building expenses, plus an extra well to dig...

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Now Accepting Baby Elephants!

Now Accepting Baby Elephants!

Friends of Elephant Havens, Scott and I just returned from another very productive trip to Botswana. So much is happening at Elephant Havens — we are officially ready to accept our first babies in need! We have built the boma (enclosure) where...

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Our first success story!

Our first success story!

Hello Friends of Elephant Havens, We’ve had the most exciting month – our first interaction with an elephant calf in need! Our team was notified about an abandoned baby elephant in the panhandle of Botswana. Taps and Bee immediately jumped into...

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We’ve Accomplished So Much!

We’ve Accomplished So Much!

Hello Friends of Elephant Havens, Scott and I just returned from another incredible trip to Botswana. This was mostly a work trip for Elephant Havens, but I did get to spend three days with Naledi, the little orphaned elephant that changed my...

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Progress Report for July, 2018

Progress Report for July, 2018

Dear Friends of Elephant Havens, July has been a great month for Elephant Havens! Taps and Bee, our partners in Botswana, made a visit to Dallas. They met over 50 of our friends and donors during their visit. Thank you to all who were able to...

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Progress Report for June, 2018

Progress Report for June, 2018

Now on this trip I was not only able to introduce my friends to Naledi, my little orphaned elephant, but I was also able to introduce them to the team at Elephant Havens. The girls have made great plans to help raise funds for our...

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Progress Report for May, 2018

Progress Report for May, 2018

Dear Friends of Elephant Havens, I wanted to give you a quick update on our progress before leaving next week for Botswana. While waiting for our architects to release plans for Elephant Havens, our team on the ground has made great progress with...

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