Clean Water, Barbeque, and Visitors – Oh My!
Dear Friends of Elephant Havens,
May 25, 2019 was a BIG day at Elephant Havens. We finally have WATER! Can you believe it has taken this long? The reasons are too many to explain here, but let’s grab an extra-large cup of coffee sometime and I will tell you ALL of them. I have to say, I take it for granted that we are able to just turn on the faucet and—voila—water! This is not the case in Africa. They are experiencing such a drought that people and wildlife are drinking mud. It is very sad, but now we’ll be able to provide sweet clean drinking water for our surrounding villagers and, of course, our little orphan. Thank you to everyone who has made a donation to make this happen.
The entire month of May has been exciting for us. We have had many guests visit from the Dallas area, and Scott and I were lucky to have been there at the same time. One night we had a braai (barbeque) for 28 people! Yes, 28 people. We don’t even have an operating kitchen yet. When I asked the chef, KD, how he was able to make scalloped potatoes without an oven he said, “I’m a fire man.” He made—from scratch—butternut squash soup, scalloped potatoes and coleslaw; and, of course, he grilled all the meat on an open fire. I can’t imagine doing all of this with a proper kitchen, and yet they made it all look so easy.

Bee and the team joined us for dinner and were thrilled to introduce all our new friends to MmaMotse, our little orphan, and show them the progress we have made. There was lots of singing and dancing. Scott and I felt like proud parents. We always said we want Elephant Havens to be a happy place where we learn from the elephants and the people of Botswana. I think all our guests would agree that has been accomplished.
Dr. Comfort, the vet who assists us with our little orphans, is visiting Dallas now. The Dallas Zoo has been gracious with their time and expertise. There has been an exchange of knowledge and friendship, and we will forever be grateful for the kindness of everyone at the Zoo.
The Dallas Zoo also arranged a two-day trip to the Houston Zoo for an elephant intensive learning experience, where they were able to spend a morning with the Baylor College of Medicine experts dealing with large animal viruses that are prevalent in the wild as well as in the zoo environment. Dr. Comfort has to be knowledgeable not only about elephants but also other wild animals from ostriches to lions. We are honored to have him visit.
Construction of our facility is within thirty days of completion! Please continue to donate—our current financial need is to obtain funding in order to increase our footprint. We need more land for grazing and space for our little ones to roam and learn to be wild elephants. Please think of us with any extra dollars so we can make this land expansion a reality. Every little bit counts, I promise.
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