A New Baby Brother!
MmaMotse finally has a friend! We have rescued a darling little one-year-old male that we’ve named Tsholofelo, which means “hope”. He and MmaMotse have become best buddies. They even sleep touching trunks.

They are a real joy to watch together. When we feed them branches and browse (tender shoots and leaves) during the night, he takes his branches and puts them next to MmaMotse’s enclosure so she can reach in and grab as much as she wants. She’s a big eater. So is he—In the four weeks since his rescue he has gained over 100lbs. (If you’d like, you can donate to his milk fund here.)
I’m in awe of our team and the love they give these little ones. The men never leave their sides day or night. And I’d like to thank the Botswana Department of Wildlife and National Parks for giving us the permit to rescue these little orphans.
Also, we owe so much to Ecoexist for calling us as soon as they saw this baby, which ensured a better chance for his survival. They also offered us accommodations and helped us during the capture. Ecoexist is a great organization that seeks to reduce conflict and foster coexistence between elephants and people. This is true teamwork at its best, and we are so lucky to have their support and help.
Our wonderful vet Dr. Comfort (I know, great name!) just completed MmaMotse’s annual checkup. She is one special elephant. He was able to draw blood from the back of her ear without any sedative, which is almost unheard of without lots of training! As long as we were giving her treats, she didn’t seem to even notice him.

The trust this young elephant has in our handlers is overwhelming. It brings tears to my eyes when I witness the love they feel for each other. We are so lucky to have such a sweet, gentle and kind elephant as our first rescue. She will teach all the others who come along that we can be trusted to love and care for them.
I hate always asking for donations, but…we have new mouths to feed and care for. As our elephant family grows, so will the number of people we can employ. I hope you will consider making a donation today to help us with the ever-growing expenses.
Given how the eco-tourism industry is growing in Maun, Bee, Scott and I believe that revenue from visitors will eventually cover the day-to-day operations and the basic orphanage will be self-sustaining. But we are not there yet. And there will always be expansion, improvements and one-time rescue expenses.
I know there are many organizations vying for your donation dollars and it can be overwhelming to decide where to give. Already together we have accomplished so much, but we still need your help. Please donate—any amount is appreciated.
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