Meaning of name: Friend
Current Age: 3 years and 2 months old
Date of Birth (Approximate): January 1, 2022
Gender: Male
Reason Orphaned: Mother shot by farmers
Rescue Date: August 1, 2023
Age at Rescue (Approximate): 1 year and 7 months old
Rescue Location: Kasane, near Chobe National Park
Foster Me!
About eight hours north of us is Kasane, the gateway to Chobe National Park. The town has a number of safari lodges and is known for the herds of wild elephants converging on the Chobe River.
In August, the wildlife department of Botswana contacted us with the tragic story of a wounded elephant and her young baby.
This little boy’s mother had been shot in the leg by farmers who were likely protecting their crops. She was still alive, but her wound had become so infected that she was in terrible pain. Understandably, she became aggressive to any moving vehicle that tried to approach. Sadly, she had to be euthanized.
We are so grateful, though, that we were called to rescue the orphaned young one and bring him to Elephant Havens. We named him “Tsala” meaning “Friend” in English.
This cute little guy is possibly the most vocal elephant we have ever encountered when his milk and bottle are presented. He screams like an elephant being tortured (not sure of that sound but seems like it would fit) when his bottle is not in his mouth precisely on his time clock.
We are so happy to have Tsala in our herd. His antics make us smile and laugh out loud every three hours with his insistence that we keep the milk coming. Don’t worry, Tsala, we will.
Foster an elephant for yourself or as a gift for someone special.
For just $100 annually, our foster parents receive by email:*
*Emailing these items saves us money on printing and postage, so we can ensure every dollar you donate goes directly to the elephants.
Foster donation is $100 yearly, but you may give more if you wish. Want to donate a different amount? Click here.
Donation form
Please call 972-620-2523 if you have any questions about fostering.