
Named for: his very hairy head

Current Age: 1 year and 9 months old
Date of Birth (Approximate): June 15, 2023
Gender: Male
Reason Orphaned: Drought
Rescue Date: October 15, 2024
Age at Rescue (Approximate): 1 year and 4 months old
Rescue Location: Hongwa, Okavango Delta Panhandle

Foster Me!

This baby sports quite the head of hair, which is how he got his name. Little Hairy was reported to us by locals near the Kaonoko Cattle Post in the Okavango Delta panhandle. Sadly, we found many dead elephants in the area. We suspect they died from starvation and dehydration as the area has been very hot, and food and water are scarce.

Once we rescued him, Hairy gave us a shock by showing his black tongue. None of us have ever seen a black tongue on an elephant before. We thought it might be a sign of some strange illness, but all our tests showed him to be a healthy little ele who only needed some good nutrition.

So perhaps he had been eating something that stained his tongue black? Nope. Over a month later his beautiful tongue is still as black as ever! We’ll keep you updated on whether he is a very special elephant with an unusual black tongue, or if his tongue changes color as he grows older. We’re all interested in finding out.

We named him Hairy because he has so much hair on the top of his head compared to any of our other eles. Between that and his black tongue, he’s very easy to distinguish from all of our other babies.

Foster an Elephant

Foster an elephant for yourself or as a gift for someone special.

For just $100 annually, our foster parents receive by email:*

Foster certificate with the name, photo and details of your orphan. Updates on their care and progress

*Emailing these items saves us money on printing and postage, so we can ensure every dollar you donate goes directly to the elephants.

Foster donation is $100 yearly, but you may give more if you wish. Want to donate a different amount? Click here.

Donation form

Foster this elephant as a gift? If so, click Yes to change the name on the foster certificate

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How it works: A Stripe window will open after you click the Donate Now button where you can securely make your donation. You will then be brought back to this page to view your receipt.

Donation Total: $100.00 Yearly

Please call 972-620-2523 if you have any questions about fostering.